Sunday, September 04, 2005

Talking To Your Team

Discussions allow people and teams to share ideas or concerns freely. By playing a leading role in the discussions, you can keep them productive and purposeful.

As a leader you should call your team together on a regular basis to seek feedback, generate new ideas and to make relevant business or operational decisions. Whether the discussion is formal or informal, it is important to keep the purpose and a time limit in mind. Whenever possible, keep discussions informal so your staff will be comfortable giving their opinions and to minimize any potential for any one person to dominate the discussion as well as any behind-the-scenes or brewing problems with interpersonal relationships.

Give people time to prepare and make sure that everyone involved has equal opportunity to add their viewpoints and expertise to the discussion. Encourage open discussion and yet you will need to keep the discussion on topic and moving forward. Write down and monitor the action items and who they are assigned to after each meeting and then review these at the next meeting to measure the group or project status.

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2004-2005. All Rights Reserved

About the Author
: Michele has over 20 years experience in business and healthcare. She enjoys sharing her experiences with others and welcomes feedback from guests to this, or any of her websites. Visit her bookstore for ebooks and other related business materials.

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